Home Rule Cities (Suburban Cities)

There are 83 incorporated taxing jurisdictions comprised of about 60,000 properties within Jefferson County, Kentucky. These municipalities are separate cities within the larger metropolitan city limits of Louisville. These municipalities have their own governments with elected officials and councils. “Home Rule Cities” provide many government services and expanded amenities to citizens such as dedicated police and fire services, sanitary and recycling services, and parks.

Citizens that reside in a Home Rule City may have a separate tax bill or an additional tax rate applied to their tax bill to pay for these services. If you have any questions concerning tax rates, tax bills, amounts due, or services, please use this comprehensive list of contacts to get in touch with your city.

City Email Phone Contact
Anchorage renee.major@cityofanchorage.org 502-245-4654 Renee Major
Audubon Park clerk@audubonparkky.org 502-637-5066
Bancroft clerk@cityofbancroft.org 502-240-8491 Shannon Tuthill
Barbourmeade contact@barbourmeade.org 502-895-9495 Chris Russell
Beechwood Village cbrewer@beechwoodvillage.org 502-895-9951  Cherie Brewer
Bellemeade treasurer@bellemeade-ky.gov 502-216-8682 Trish Scott
Bellewood CityOfBellewoodKY@gmail.com 502-895-9834 Dixie Rueff
Blue Ridge Manor cityofblueridgemanorky@gmail.com 502-822-1779 Charlotte Gross
Briarwood clerk@cityofbriarwoodky.onmicrosoft.com 502-298-5405 Nick Whitmer
Broeck Pointe mayorofbroeckpointe@hotmail.com 502-296-8927 Mark Petruska
Brownsboro Farm jmcintyre29@twc.com 508-838-9332 Jennifer McIntyre
Brownsboro Village mlpwilliams@gmail.com 502-767-3402 Meredith Williams
Cambridge s.tyler@twc.com 502-802-9565 Sherry Tyler
Coldstream dsawyer@iglou.com  Gail Sawyer
Creekside mmcgimsey@aol.com 502-425-8191 Myrna McGimsey
Crossgate khilbrecht@crossgate.org 502-592-9267 Kirk Hilbrecht
Douglass Hills Treasurer@CityofDouglassHills.com 502-245-3600 Holly Sanford
Druid Hills druidhillskytreasurer@gmail.com 502-235-4086 Mark Strebel
Fincastle jmreid4521@gmail.com 502-417-3591 Jean Reid, Clerk
Forest Hills foresthillsci787@bellsouth.com 502-261-0348 Pat Cooke, City Clerk
Glenview clerkadmin@glenviewky.gov 502-292-1997 Kacy DeVore
Glenview Hills cityofglenviewhills@gmail.com 502-649-6550 Maria Hawkins
Glenview Manor rubievette@twc.com 502-429-6988 Lynda Patterson
Goose Creek jean.winders@twc.com 502-429-5334 Jean Winders
Graymoor/Devondale cityclerk@graymoor-devondale.com 502-429-0834 Nancy Perito
Green Spring cityofgreenspring@gmail.com 502-314-2525 Stuart Ries
Heritage Creek hcclerk@mw.twcbc.com 502-239-2336 Angela Reynolds
Hickory Hill chhkentucky@gmail.com Tina Byrd
Hills & Dales jeanne@hillsanddales.city 502-412-4190 Jeanne Keats
Hollow Creek hollowcreek.ky@gmail.com 502-239-7112 Linda Blum
Hollyvilla chicomonjr@aol.com 502-338-3692 Charles Miller
Houston Acres edhardison53@gmail.com 502-473-1956 Ed Hardison
Hurstbourne info@hurstbourne.org 502-426-4808 Accounting Office
Hurstbourne Acres john.bloomer55@hurstbourneacres.org (502) 387-0409 John Bloomer
Indian Hills info@indianhillsky.org 502-893-1375 or 502.537.0830 Donna Sinkhorn
Jeffersontown Revenue@JeffersontownKY.gov 502-267-8333 Clarissa Reed, Director of Revenue
Kingsley lesa.ferguson64@gmail.com (502) 681-5570 Lesa Ferguson
Langdon Place Tobryan@langdonplace.com 502-426-3701 Theresa O’Bryan
Lincolnshire c.wittsell@ckbizs.com 502-895-9834 Courtney Wittsell
Lyndon lyndontreasurer@cityoflyndon.org 502-423-0932 Sonya Kaiser
Lynnview city.clerk@cityoflynnview.com 502-966-4086
Manor Creek johnyoung1975@gmail.com 502-777-4562 John Young
Maryhill Estates 502-893-6261 Chris S Allen, Treasurer
Meadow Vale meadowvalecityclerk@gmail.com 502-412-5500 Mary Hornek
Meadowbrook Farm meadowbrook40223@yahoo.com 502-593-2988 David M Woods
Meadowview Estates mvmayor_ckw@yahoo.com 502-485-1695 Connie Wharton
Middletown tracy@cityofmiddletownky.org 502-245-2762 Tracy Dohn
Mockingbird Valley c.shearer@ckbizs.com 502-895-9834 Catherine Shearer EA
Moorland thetwobard@hotmail.com 502-241-5251 Barbara Taylor, Treasurer
(F) 502-243-9629
Murray Hill murrayhillcityclerk@outlook.com 502-298-0990 Lisa Heiser
Norbourne Estates norbourneclerk@gmail.com 502-939-9299 Jerry Brown, City Clerk
Northfield info@cityofnorthfield.com Lucy Martin, Clerk
Norwood andrewcpa@bellsouth.net 502-894-8432 Andrew Alvey
Old Brownsboro Place jpc.lky@gmail.com 502-619-8938 Joseph Carter
Parkway Village amandafigge@gmail.com 502-541-8823 Amanda Cain
Plantation bpeak@plantationky.com 502-425-4449 Becky Peak
Poplar Hills Poplarhills.clerk@outlook.com La’Kiyah Cooper,  Clerk
Prospect citydesk@prospectky.com 502-228-1121 John Carter
Richlawn treasurer@cityofrichlawn.com 502-512-8967 Daniel Sullivan
Riverwood kdunn@hjcocpas.com 502-425-4800 Hendermann Jessee CPA
Rolling Fields Treasurer@rollingfieldsky.com 502-709-3975 Joanna Nugent (Tax Roll)
Rolling Hills clerk@cityofrollinghillsky.com 502-389-0963 Karen Gott
Saint Matthews pam.topping@stmatthewsky.gov 502-895-9444 Pam Topping
Saint Regis Park stregispark@gmail.com 502-654-8145 Bill Hodapp
Seneca Gardens kendrac@gotocas.com 502.315.7184 Kendra Cunningham
Shively taxoffice@shivelyky.gov 502-449-5000 Robin Kraig
Spring Mill cryan@cityofspringmill.com 502-231-7500 Cathy Ryan
Spring Valley jwarnerspringvalley@gmail.com 502-287-2027 Jeffrey Warner
Strathmoor Manor ShaydeG@gotocas.com Shayde Griggs
Strathmoor Village shermklein@gmail.com 312-375-1883 Mark Klein
Sycamore sidney.leonard@cityofsycamore.net 502-245-3766 Sidney Leonard
Ten Broeck ted-williams@twc.com 502-417-2585 Ted Williams
Thornhill apierce7911@gmail.com 502-262-0753 W. Andrew Pierce Jr.
Watterson Park WattersonParkInfo@att.net 502-458-7613
Wellington Treasurer@cityofwellingtonky.com 502-439-0494 Kris Paul
West Buechel g.brown@westbuechelky.gov 502-459-4400 Gwen Brown
Westwood klambert@cityofwestwood.org 502-437-9558 Kristin Lambert
Wildwood jstephensl@msn.com 502-290-9302 Jim Stephens
Windy Hills info@cityofwindyhills.com 502-895-4778 Christine Haner
Woodland Hills whkytreasurer@gmail.com 502-622-7205 Marshall Jones
Woodlawn park mayor@woodlawnpark.com 502-341-1004 Mike Brown
Worthington Hills clerk@cityofworthingtonhillsky.gov 502-243-8415 ext. 5 Beverly Lush, Clerk

Classifcation Structure Since 2015

One of the top legislative priorities for the Kentucky League of Cities in 2014 was approved by the General Assembly through the passage of House Bill 331, which was KLC’s initiative to reform the classification system. As of January 1, 2015, the arbitrary classification system with six classifications changed to two classes: first class (Louisville) and home rule cities (all other cities). Lexington is a home rule city but maintains all responsibilities and privileges under its urban county statutes. Louisville will continue to exercise the powers of the first class city by virtue of being a consolidated local government.
